- Get batteries for my camera (so I can but pictures up, blogs with out pictures are SO boring)
- Buy sufficient rolling pin (a can of keystone light from last nights party is just not working out)
- Get roommates to clean kitchen more often (possibly wishful thinking)
- Read many many many cake blogs to keep mind off boring environmental history class
My roommates are very supportive and love it when I make them cakes and cupcakes. They take pictures and say they are beautiful, but ti be completely honest I just started actually decorating and I am not the best at it. That is what this blog is for though right? So I can see my improvement? I hope so.
So here are two cakes that my roommates and very supportive boyfriend decided needed to be photographed:

I took pictures of my other cakes and cupcakes on my cell phone so I am still in the process of trying to get them onto the internet. Oh yeah took a cake decorating class from Cheri Bloomquist, she is amazing, there were 4 basic lessons, and I am excited to take her tiered cake class in May!